Supporting Italian companies wishing to undertake internationalization in Macedonia and assist the Macedonian companies willing to enter into commercial relations with Italy.
This is the aim of the cooperation agreement signed between ACCOA and Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, the Chamber organization that brings together more than 20 thousand companies with headquarters in Skopje. The signing took place between President ACCOA, Gian Carlo Damir Murkovic and the president of the Macedonian Danela Arsovska.
With a trade exchange of about 400 million€ Macedonia remain an attractive market for the Made in Italy and a welcoming country for foreign investors. This situation may improve even more once resolved the internal political problems the country is facing.
We finally would like to anticipate that during the course of 2017 an event for companies on the Macedonian market will be arranged underlining positive aspects and problems, giving space to direct testimonies of entrepreneurs and providing concrete and operational information, as always in the format of ACCOA events.