Call for applications for the selection of external experts


Open call for the selection of external experts

1 Introduction

In line with Greenovet project application, the consortium of the Erasmus+ project entitled”GREENOVET – European VET Excellence Platform for Green Innovation” referred as “Greenovet” will subcontract four (4) external experts, 1/region, to monitor and evaluate the implementation and ensure a neutral review and consistency of assessment of the project and its deliverables in relation to the Greenovet Project Application and the needs of project target groups and their expectations.

2 Job description

Job title: External Expert in Quality Assessment

Job description: The implementation and expertise of the external quality assessment of the Greenovet project in close collaboration with all members of the International Quality Assurance (IQA) board:

  • The use of independent tools to assess the implementation of the Greenovet project and its deliverables;
  • The preparation of external quality reports every 6 months as described in the Quality plan of the Greenovet project
  • Any other contribution to the project that derives from the Quality plan and/or specific requests made by the EACEA.

Deliverables: 7 Interim quality assessment reports and conclusions in a final report.

3 Qualifications / selection criteria

Required qualifications (exclusion criteria):

  • A higher education diploma;
  • Experience in the field of education in cooperation with working life/or Green innovation/ Circular economy ;
  • Experience in quality assessment and evaluation;
  • Excellent knowledge of english language.

Additional qualifications (rated criteria):

  • Experience in the implementation of Erasmus+ or other EU projects.

4 Type of contract, duration and compensation

Type of contract: Service agreement with the Macedonian chambers of commerce.

Duration: From the day of the signature of the agreements until 31.10.2024

Compensation: Total amount of 3000 euros and possible travelling cost on the basis of pre-defined guidelines.

5 Application procedure

All interested individuals are invited to submit their application to Macedonian chambers of commerce.

Supporting documents:

Each application should include the documents as follows:

  1. a signed application form (annex) including:
    • a short cover letter explaining the applicant’s motivation for answering this call;
    • a list of supporting documents and documentation which proves how the applicant fulfils the selection criteria required and listen in the chapter 3 of this document;
  2. a curriculum vitae (CV);
  3. all supporting documents as proofs of the qualifications.

Deadline for application:

The applications must be sent by 15.04.2022 latest. You can download the “Application form for external experts” here and should send the Application at [email protected]

6 Selection procedure

The selection procedures consist of an assessment of applications performed by quality team against the selection criteria listed in chapter 3 of this document, and concluded by the establishment of a graded list of eligible applicant and, if applicable, a list of non-eligible applicants.

The rating is based on the length of the experience in years. If there is a tie between candidates, the decisive factor for the selection will be the quality of working experience.

If there is a tie between candidates, the decisive factor for the selection will be the quality of working experience.

7 Visibility

This call will be published in the Greenovet website and partner websites.