Through electronic procurement system, the following procedures for awarding public contracts can be implemented: a procedure for tenders, open procedure and restricted procedure. When carrying out the procedure for awarding a public procurement via the EPPS, all actions in the procedure (publication of a contract notice and tender documents, submission of tenders, public opening and evaluation, decision making, information for decisions, communication with economic operators) are implemented electronically.
At the same time, through the ESPP an electronic auction can be conducted, as the last stage in a procedure for tenders, open procedure, the restricted procedure, a competitive dialogue procedure and the negotiated procedure with prior publication of a contract notice, and in case again in competition by economic operators who are party to the framework agreement.
Within the system, improvements and innovations are implemented regarding: mandatory publication of a notice and auctions for supplies to 5.000 euros in denars or earlier procedure for simplified procedure without publication of a notice; implementation of module negative references of bidders or economic operators that low quality and timely perform public contracts or terminate the conclusion of the contract; module for publishing the technical dialogue (when awarding contracts where the object of purchase is specific and with an estimated value exceeding 130,000 euros in denars for goods and services); introduction of a qualification system as a specific manner of awarding public contracts in the sector contracting authorities and publication of advertisements for concessions and public private partnerships.
The full edition of the manual on how to use the ESPP Economic operators can be found at the following link.
March 18, 2016